Hiring transport backpacks for:
the Northern Way , Ribadeo to Santiago de Compostela
the Camino Primitivo from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela
the Portuguese Way, O Porto to Santiago de Compostela
the English Way of Ferrol to Santiago de Compostela
the Vía de la Plata of Ourense to Santiago de Compostela
the Salvador Way of León to Oviedo
Make your booking in this form.
Hiring transport backpacks for the French Camino: Roncesvalles to Logroño
Email Us to jacotrans@gmail.com, indicating as clearly as possible the date of transport, housing and resort collection, and shelter and place of delivery and the number of packages to be transported. We will confirm your reservation and we'll explain how subscription service. We can also call: +34 610 983 205
Hiring transport backpacks for the French Camino: Logroño to Burgos
Email Us to jacotrans.lo@gmail.com, indicating as clearly as possible the date of transport, housing and resort collection, and shelter and place of delivery and the number of packages to be transported. We will confirm your reservation and we'll explain how subscription saervice. We can also call:: +34 608 447 177
Hiring transport backpacks for the French Camino: Burgos to León
Email Us to jacotransburgos@gmail.com, indicating as clearly as possible the date of transport, housing and resort collection, and shelter and place of delivery and the number of packages to be transported. We will confirm your reservation and we'll explain how subscription service. We can also call: +34 650 451 540